Elliptical Machines
An elliptical trainer is a multifunctional piece of exercise equipment that effectively works the whole body. Although the main benefits to be gained from an elliptical are cardiovascular, it also offers tangible benefits in building strength in the arms and legs as well as helping people lose weight. The rhythmic stepping motion employed offers a low impact form of exercise and thus reduces the risk of injuries that are commonly encountered in other forms of cardio such as jogging or treadmill workouts. Resistance levels and session time can be pre programmed making it the perfect form of exercise for people of all ages.
One of the best things about an elliptical exercise machine is you don’t even need to go to the gym to use it, you can get your workout fix and hit your weight loss goals from the comfort of your own home.
Marathon stock a wide range of elliptical machines at competitive prices all of which can be delivered to your residence or place of work.
Is an elliptical machine good for losing weight?
The answer to this question is an overwhelming yes. This cardio machine is a great way to burn calories exercising for as little as 30 minutes a day. Although it may not be possible to carry out a 30 minute session immediately, most people are able to hit this session time within a relatively short period. Depending on your existing weight, it’s possible to burn approximately 270-400 calories per 30 minute session.
What does an elliptical trainer do?
Elliptical Machines are purpose designed for cardio or aerobic workouts. In addition to the cardio benefits, the elliptical also works both the upper and lower body targeting the glutes and quadriceps amongst others. These benefits combined can help people lose weight overtime whilst improving their overall level of fitness.
Begin your elliptical journey with Marathon
Take a look at the elliptical machines featured on this page to see which model best fits your needs. If you are buying an elliptical trainer solely to use yourself, our Elliptical 818H model may be suitable, iif the trainer is to be utlised by the whole family the E13M may be a better option, the choice is yours. Please get in touch with us if you need any further information or would like recommendations on the best elliptical bike for your specific needs.
With functions such as slope adjustment, traction adjustment and heart rate measurement, you can make your elliptical sessions more challenging as your journey to fitness progresses. However, a note of caution. If you have any existing medical conditions we’d strongly advise you to seek advice from your doctor before embarking on any serious or vigorous training program.
Premium quality electric elliptical machines
All the ellipticals we stock are constructed using high quality materials from industry leading manufacturers. We want you to enjoy your elliptical workout sessions for as long as possible which is why we only offer premium machines that will stand the test of time. A quality training session needs a quality machine and that is exactly what you get when you shop with Marathon.
Getting Motivated
Although buying an elliptical machine for home is a great way to start a journey to weight loss and fitness, it is important to incorporate other lifestyle choices as well. A healthy well balanced diet, moderate alcohol intake and generally being active will also contribute towards your fitness goals.
Building a routine is also an important factor when it comes to hitting your fitness goals. We’d recommend formulating a training plan that you can easily stick to. Although you can deviate from your plan on occasions, routine is important as it also helps mould your mindset to an overall healthier lifestyle.
If you are serious about getting or keeping fit and need a low impact solution, look no further than Marathon. Our range of ellipticals are the perfect exercise companion for people of all ages in their quest to get fit and stay fit. If you have any questions or need help with your order, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can get in touch by phone or email or follow us on Line, Facebook and YouTube.